Europacup der Damen 2018
IISHF President Words
I am very pleased, as President of the International Inline-Skater Hockey Federation (IISHF), to welcome you to the Women European Cup 2018 in Skaterhockey in Langenfeld, Germany which takes place on June 23-24, 2018 (games to be played Saturday and Sunday). I would first of all like to thank the German Federation and the hosting club SG Langenfeld Devils for the interest and support that has been given to this tournament. It’s the second time that SG Langenfeld Devils is hosting an IISHF Title Event. They hosted the U13 European Cup in May 2014. The Organising Committee organized by Lars Kehren, Jost Henke and Frank Abe has worked very hard on all the technical and social details, and this, along with the wonderful hospitality of the hosting club and the superb organization of this important event, are the guarantees for a successful competition.
I would like to wish all the players, team officials and spectators who have come from around Europe a lot of luck in this Title Event and I hope that you will enjoy this tournament. I would also like to thank all the IISHF officials and referees for their contribution so this which will hopefully be another great weekend for all of us enjoying this fast and lively sport.
This year we have participation of 8 teams from 3 countries coming from Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. The defending champion is STARZ from Denmark who as Gentofte Ravens (their team name last year) won the Women European Cup Cup in 2017 hosted by SHC Rossemaisson in Delémont, Switzerland by winning 3-0 (1-0, 2-0) against Borehamwood from Great Britain in the final.
Erik Sommer
President of the IISHF
I am very pleased, as President of the International Inline-Skater Hockey Federation (IISHF), to welcome you to the Women European Cup 2018 in Skaterhockey in Langenfeld, Germany which takes place on June 23-24, 2018 (games to be played Saturday and Sunday). I would first of all like to thank the German Federation and the hosting club SG Langenfeld Devils for the interest and support that has been given to this tournament. It’s the second time that SG Langenfeld Devils is hosting an IISHF Title Event. They hosted the U13 European Cup in May 2014. The Organising Committee organized by Lars Kehren, Jost Henke and Frank Abe has worked very hard on all the technical and social details, and this, along with the wonderful hospitality of the hosting club and the superb organization of this important event, are the guarantees for a successful competition.
I would like to wish all the players, team officials and spectators who have come from around Europe a lot of luck in this Title Event and I hope that you will enjoy this tournament. I would also like to thank all the IISHF officials and referees for their contribution so this which will hopefully be another great weekend for all of us enjoying this fast and lively sport.
This year we have participation of 8 teams from 3 countries coming from Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. The defending champion is STARZ from Denmark who as Gentofte Ravens (their team name last year) won the Women European Cup Cup in 2017 hosted by SHC Rossemaisson in Delémont, Switzerland by winning 3-0 (1-0, 2-0) against Borehamwood from Great Britain in the final.
Erik Sommer
President of the IISHF
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Liebe Inline-Skaterhockeyfreunde,
zum Damen Europapokal heiße ich Sie im Namen der SG Langenfeld DEVILS ganz herzlich willkommen.
Ich freue mich, Sie erstmalig in Langenfeld zu einem europäischen Turnier, bei dem die weib-lichen Vertreter unsere Sportart aktiv sind, zu begrüßen. Ein besonderes Willkommen gilt allen
Spielerinnen und Verantwortlichen aus drei Nationen sowie Zuschauern, Offiziellen der Verbände IISHF und ISHD, Vertretern der Stadt Langenfeld, den Medien sowie den Sponsoren.
An diesem Wochenende treffen im Damenbereich die Meister und Vize-meister aus Europa aufeinander und ermitteln in spannenden Begegnungen den Europapokalsieger 2018. Die Möglichkeit, gegen Mannschaften aus anderen Ländern zu spielen, ist für viele Inline-Skaterhockeyspieler eine Besonderheit, die man nicht so schnell vergisst.
Ein solches Ereignis wäre ohne die vielen fleißigen Hände unserer „unsicht-baren“ Unterstützer nicht denkbar. Daher möchte ich mich ganz besonders bei allen ehrenamtlichen Helferinnen und Helfern, Eltern, Trainern und Spielern bedanken. Ein weiterer Dank gilt den Sponsoren dieses Turniers. Nur dank dieser Unterstützung kann so ein Turnier in Langenfeld überhaupt veranstaltet werden.
Ich wünsche Ihnen im Namen der SG Langenfeld DEVILS, einen spannenden, verletzungsfreien und fairen Turnierverlauf.
Sportlichen Gruß
Jost Henke
Abteilungsleiter SG Langenfeld DEVILS